Global TNA 3 Project Kick-off Workshop

The Global Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project is implemented by UN Environment’s Division of Economy and

executed by UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP), Denmark. The TNA project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and is on its third phase. The TNA project is aimed at assisting developing countries determine their technology priorities regarding mitigation and adaptation to climate change. For the implementation of the project, UNEP DTU Partnership works with regional centers in each of the regions (Latin America & Caribbean, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Asia) to support countries during the Technology Needs Assessment process and to create a greater awareness about technology needs of the countries at the regional level. The regional centers, in close collaboration with UNEP DTU Partnership, are instrumental in providing technical support to the national Technology Needs Assessment teams. AIT is tapped as the Regional Center for Asia and has been involved with TNA since its inception.

To mark the start of the third phase, a Global TNA 3 Project Kick-off Workshop was held from 17-18 October at the Arnoma Grand Hotel in Bangkok. A total of 36 participants from 28 countries attended the workshop which was graced by Ambassador H.E. Mr. Uffe Wolffhechel, of the Embassy of Denmark in Bangkok. H.E. Mr. Uffe shared his views on how to enhance climate technology transfer and investments in developing and emerging economies during the first session chaired by Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha, Dean of SERD and facilitated by Dr. Abdul P. Salam, Associate Professor of Energy Program.

The workshop served as a platform for participants to share their experiences and discuss the findings as necessary conditions to enhance investments in technology transfer and implementation in developing countries. The aim of the workshop is to discuss how partnerships for technology transfer and implementation are created today, and what the requirements are to accelerate these efforts to further advance on the SDG agenda.

There are 23 countries participating in the 3rd-phase and these countries are: Africa-Francophone (Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea, Niger, Haiti); Africa–Anglophone (Eritrea, Liberia, Malawi, Uganda); Africa-Portuguese (Sao Tome and Principe); Asia (Afghanistan, Myanmar); Asia Pacific (Nauru, Fiji, Vanuatu); Caribbean (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Suriname); and Eastern Europe (Ukraine).

To date, 85 countries have participated since the inception of TNA (2009-2018).  The third phase is expected to be fully complete by 2021.

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