Department of Energy Environment and Climate Change (EECC) of AIT Welcomes New Students!

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change (EECC), SERD, AIT, welcomed all the new students joining August 2019 semester.  More than 60 new students from 10 different countries viz; Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam joined the new semester.

An orientation program for the new student was organized by the department on 5th August. The program started with a welcome note by Dr. P. Abdul Salam, Head of the Department, followed by Prof. Rajendra P. Shrestha, Dean of School of Environment Resources and Development (SERD). Prof. Shrestha highlighted about AIT infrastructure and the enormous career as well as research scopes of various programs offered at the school. Dr. Salam introduced about the department, i.e. its mission, the courses offered, faculty and staff, and the laboratory and other facilities available at the department. All faculty members welcomed the new students.

An interactive, introductory, fun session for the new students was organized by Khun. Suchitra with the help of other staff members. The students enthusiastically participated in the session and were presented with an eco-friendly bag from the department. The students were introduced with EECC Laboratory facilities in the afternoon.

It was indeed a great day for all of us. We thank everyone for joining us on this great event and bestow our best wishes to all the new students for a new beginning.

Wishing You All Today, For a Brighter Future Tomorrow!   Best of Luck!       

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