Energy Program- 40th Year Anniversary Celebrations

With AIT’s 60th Anniversary celebrations, the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change also celebrated the 40th Year of the Energy Program on 25th October 2019.

An Energy Alumni Homecoming Event was organized by the department with the theme, Cherish the Past, Celebrate the Present, Reflect the Future. More than a hundred of Energy Alumni since 1979 batch till 2018 attended the event and shared the memories of their days in AIT. Our current students, Energy Program faculties and staff members were also present at the event.

The event started with a presentation at AIT conference center by Dr. Brahmanand Mohanty, on the “Evolution of the Energy Program” during the past 40 years to ‘cherish the past’ of the program. During the presentation, former mentors were given recognition. All participants stood for a minute silence to pay tribute to our former mentors in their memory.

Prof. Excell, former mentor of Energy Program has been requested to share his past experiences at AIT as a faculty of the Energy Program during the initial years of the Program. Former faculty members also shared their words of wisdom during the event. Photos of the energy program from the past 40 years which were shared by our alumni were projected.

It was indeed a great moment when all our alumni reminisced about their days in AIT and shared their stories.

Prof. Shrestha, Dean SERD, presented his speech on Energy Program at the Energy Building welcoming all the alumni and other participants gathered at the event. Prof. Excell has been honored to inaugurate the solar plant at Energy Building to ‘celebrate the present’. Our current faculty members and students interacted with our former mentors and a photo session was held thereafter. All participants of the event were then presented with various souvenirs to celebrate 40 years of the Energy Program.

The next session of the event which took place in the AIT Conference Center included a presentation on the “Future Energy Curriculum” by our current Energy Faculty members to ‘reflect the future’ of the program. All alumni shared their feedbacks and suggestions on re-structuring the Energy Curriculum. Some Energy Alumni conveyed their support to strengthen the Energy Program at AIT and also encouraged others to contribute their support too.

Finally, the event was concluded with a warm dinner with music. We hope our alumni, former faculties and all other participants enjoyed the event. We thank you all for taking part in the event, sharing your memories and making it a great day to be remembered in the future.

“Cherish the Past, Celebrate the Present, Reflect the Future”

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