Energy is now “Sustainable Energy Transition” Program

Energy demand increase is inevitable, with a rapidly growing economy and population growth in Asia. The global sustainable growth scenario depicts the need for zero emissions from energy supply and use by mid-century.  In Asia, with greater access to energy and further economic development, the urgency to make energy sector sustainable is an evident challenge. A clean energy world will look significantly different than today. Universal energy supply is already on the horizon; renewable energy is on great leap forward; new opportunities are opening up for energy efficiency; digitalization and new wave of the digital economy are in offing ready to revolutionize energy sector as well. The world community has agreed to Sustainable Development Goals and ambitious Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which calls for accelerated universal energy access combined with energy efficiency and deep-decarbonization for the energy sector.

In order to address this transition phase for energy sector which needs societal scale change with new values, system thinking, technical and modeling skill, business, policy and governance, the Asian Institute of Technology’s “Sustainable Energy Transition” (formerly Energy) program aims to prepare a large number of future leaders capable of meeting the emerging needs of energy transitions ensuring sustainable progress for humanity.

Click here to learnmore about our new program

Sustainable Energy Transition E-Brochure.pdf

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