
The Environmental Engineering and Management Program looks for solutions to various environmental problems, including wastewater treatment and disposal systems, air pollution, solid and hazardous wastes, waste minimization and life cycle assessment, environmental impact assessment and more.

In response to the regional demand, we offer specialization in,

  • Environmental Technology and Management – with a focus on a systems approach to managing the environment, including the interrelated roles of the industry and the government agencies.
  • Water and Wastewater Engineering – responds to the need to produce engineers specialised in the planning, design, operation and management of water supply, wastewater treatment and disposal systems. It brings into focus the development of advanced treatment systems.

Developed in collaboration with the industry and the public sector environmental specialists, the program offers an integrated approach towards the current and long term environmental issues, planning and management for the sustainable development of industrial production systems.

Environmental Engineering and Management Program is waiting to hear from you – Creating leaders for sustainable Asia and beyond

Why Environmental Engineering and Management?

Environmental Engineering and Management at AIT began in 1964 with the need for sanitary engineering to address the problems of providing adequate water supplies and sanitation facilities. This pioneering program has grown into a range of fields needed to tackle the environmental issues facing Asia today.

EEM graduates have an excellent opportunity for employment in private as well as government and international agencies, university teaching and research organizations involved in Environmental Technology and Management, Water and Wastewater Management, etc. Our graduates are serving as top leaders in the private sector, governments, universities, United Nation agencies, multinational companies, international financial institutions, federal/state government ministries/enterprises/utilities, etc.

Who can apply?

This specialization is intended for professionals from government and international agencies, environment ministries, pollution control authorities, private companies, academia, NGOs, city and municipal authorities dealing with or interested in the environment, water and wastewater treatment, and sanitation, policy, planning, and management. Candidates with a degree from an institution with recognised standing preferably in biochemical or chemical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering or related applied sciences or health science and biomedical science are eligible to apply.


We are now accepting the new applications for August 2024 intake.

28th February 2024 (Scholarship Deadline)