
In Asia, with greater access to energy and further economic development, the urgency to make the energy sector sustainable is an evident challenge. The world community has agreed to Sustainable Development Goals and the ambitious Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which calls for accelerated universal energy access combined with energy efficiency and deep-decarbonization for the energy sector. To address this transition phase for the energy sector which needs societal scale change with new values, system thinking, technical and modeling skill, business, policy, and governance Asian Institute of Technology’s “Sustainable Energy Transition” (formerly Energy) program aims to prepare a large number of future leaders capable of meeting the emerging needs of energy transitions ensuring sustainable progress for humanity.

What is the sustainable energy transition program?

The Sustainable Energy Transition Program is an interdisciplinary program encompassing new technologies, policy, social, and management aspects, addressing the rising challenges of energy transitions, especially in the areas of low carbon electricity supply systems, reducing energy intensity, demand and providing energy access to all physical and geographical areas. This program aims to create next-generation leaders skilled in thinking and leading the process of sustainable energy transitions for delivering a reliable, clean, affordable energy supply compatible with sustainable development in the 21st century.

In response to the regional demand for adequately trained human resources#, we offer

  • M.Eng./M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy Transition (2 years, Coursework & Research)
  • M.Phil. in Sustainable Energy Transition (2 years, Only Research)
  • Masters in Sustainable Energy Transition (1 year, Coursework & Research)
  • D.Eng./PhD. in Sustainable Energy Transition (3.5 years, Coursework & Research)

For especially interested students, there is an additional opportunity to specialize in Electric Power System Management with emphasis on the emerging issues of power system planning, operation, and control. We also encourage interested students to tailor their study program on energy supply issues in isolated areas such as islands, mountain communities, and off-grid areas.

Who can apply?

We welcome candidates with a previous degree from an institution of recognized standing, preferably in engineering, management, economics, social sciences, and other related fields. The program is intended not only for fresh graduates but also for professionals from energy utilities (including power utilities), municipalities, regulators, energy ministries/authorities, private companies, consulting companies, academia, UN and Development Banks, NGOs, city and municipal authorities dealing with or interested in energy technology, economics, policy, planning and power system management.


We are now accepting the new applications for January 2025 intake.

28th February 2025 (Scholarship Deadline)