
Our Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCSD) Program at AIT is designed to produce work-ready professionals capable of assessing, finding options, and delivering them for low carbon and climate-resilient development. Our research focuses on low carbon and climate-resilient cities, greenhouse gas accounting, technology needs, climate policy assessment, climate financing, disaster and risk management, impact and adaptation to climate change in water, land, agriculture, and their nexus.

Science has said that the stabilization of global climate change is possible and we “can” substantially reduce the risks imposed by climate change. We thrive to develop next-generation climate leaders ready to take these challenges and take on a new research frontier to build a better knowledge base and facilitate actions.

Welcome to Climate Change and Sustainable Development Program – Creating leaders for sustainable Asia and beyond.

Why is Climate Change and Sustainable Development?

Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCSD) is a key element of maintaining sustainable livelihoods and economies in Asia. Given the enormous cultural, social, political, and biophysical diversity across Asia, climate change and sustainable development professionals need a strong working knowledge of several interrelated sciences. Our courses will enable graduates to

  • Work with sectoral experts in the areas of CCSD with critical thinking
  • Carry out climate change-induced impact assessment, scenario building and identification of potential impacts
  • Initiate climate change mitigation and adaptation measures
  • Undertake policy analysis and development (integration, application and mainstreaming)
  • Conduct technology assessment and adopting climate-friendly technology for mitigation and adaptation
  • In addition to academic program activities, students have access to several centres and outreach activities in the campus and other regional organizations (UNESCAP, UNEP, UNDP, FAO, and others) for the internship, collaborative works, and research funds, etc.

Who can apply?

We welcome candidates with a degree from an institution of recognized standing preferably in agriculture, bio-sciences, environmental sciences, energy, forestry, and social sciences such as anthropology, geography, economics, and sociology or related fields.
The program is intended not only for fresh graduates but also for professionals from government and international agencies, environment ministries, pollution control authorities, private companies, academia, NGOs, city and municipal authorities dealing with or interested in climate change and mitigation, climate change adaptation, sustainable development, policy planning, and management.


We are now accepting the new applications for January 2025 intake.

28th February 2025 (Scholarship Deadline)