Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on Promotion of Sustainable Use of Biomass Briquettes in Nepal
22nd – 23rd January 2018, Dining Park Restaurant and Lounge, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC, Nepal) jointly organized a two- day stakeholder consultation workshop on ‘Promotion of Sustainable Use of Biomass Briquettes in Nepal’ from 22 to 23 January 2018 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshop was funded by Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN) and supported by Ministry of Population and Environment (MoPE). 25 participants from various organizations (private enterprises, World Bank, AEPC, AIT) attended the workshop.
Dr. Abdul Salam and Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal (Principal Investigators of the project) presented an overview of the globally available technologies and business models for biomass densification, along with policy incentives present in different countries. The findings were discussed with the participants to get their feedback on prevailing issues and challenges in upscaling their industries and creating a stable market in the context of Nepal. Day 1 discussion focused on demand creation and market segmentation, quality assurance of densified biomass, diversification of raw materials, charring technologies, end user technologies and SWOT analysis of the business model. Day 2 discussions were aimed at policy framework for biobriquettes and emphasized on special protection for the industry, risk minimization strategies, tax exemption/holiday, institutional development and technology financing.
The findings of the workshop will be used to develop a business model and policy framework for sustainable use of bio briquettes in Nepal, and disseminated to relevant policy makers at a later workshop.