The 18th GEIA Conference: Emissions Science for Healthy Environment
Hamburg, Germany
September 12-16, 2017
Dr. Ekbordin Winijkul was invited for a presentation on “Current and Future Particle Number Size Distribution Emission Inventory of On-road Vehicles in Southeast Asia” at the 18th GEIA conference: Emission Science for Health Environment in Hamburg, Germany during September 12-15, 2017. This emission inventory is the first inventory that focuses on particle number distribution from transportation in Southeast Asia, and can be directly linked to better understanding of health impacts of emission from transportation. The conference program and presentation are available here.
The main focus of this conference was to update and initiate the collaboration on emission inventory development around the World, and was participated by numbers of government officers, non-profit organization officers, researchers, and university professors from different countries.
On September 16, Dr. Ekbordin had a meeting with a researcher from Cornel University on developing a methodology for better estimation of cooking and heating air pollution for better health impact assessments. Cooking and Heating are major sources of indoor and outdoor air pollution in developing countries which caused premature death on more than 4.3 million people worldwide (WHO, 2012).