Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal’s Book Chapter Published by Springer

Shobhakar Dhakal, s., Srivastava, L., Sharma, B., Palit, D., Mainali, B., Nepal, R., Purohit, P., Goswami, A., Malikyar, G. M., & Wakhley, K. B. (2019). Meeting Future Energy Needs in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. In Wester, P., Mishra, A., Mukherji, A. & Shrestha, A. B. (Eds.), The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment (pp.167-207). Springer.

Meeting Future Energy Needs in the Hindu Kush Himalaya, a book chapter co-authored by EECC Department’s Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal in “The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment” has been published by Springer – Nature on 5 January 2019.

This was a two-year assessment process, initiated by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) as a part of the Hindu Kush Himalayan Monitoring and Assessment Programme (HIMAP). Dr. Dhakal and Prof. Leena Srivastava, Vice Chancellor of TERI University led this energy assessment with Mr. Bikas Sharma from ICIMOD as chapter-anchor and third coordinating lead author and an excellent South-Asian author-team coming from Bhutan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sweden, Australia, and Austria.


As mentioned in earlier chapters, the HKH regions form the entirety of some countries, a major part of other countries, and a small percentage of yet others. Because of this, when we speak about meeting the energy needs of the HKH region we need to be clear that we are not necessarily talking about the countries that host the HKH, but the clearly delineated mountainous regions that form the HKH within these countries. It then immediately becomes clear that energy provisioning has to be done in a mountain context characterized by low densities of population, low incomes, dispersed populations, grossly underdeveloped markets, low capabilities, and poor economies of scale. In other words, the energy policies and strategies for the HKH region have to be specific to these mountain contexts.

The book chapter is available in the following links

HIMAP is a big assessment comprising of many sectors for Hindu Kush Himalaya. You may check the full assessment here.

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